Communication between dual CPU in embedded electrical power network analyzer 嵌入式电网分析仪中双CPU间的通信
But most of the automated hematology analyzers in domestic market still use electrical impedance analyzer counting method. The accuracy of this method is low. 但目前国内市场上的血液分析仪大多采用电阻抗计数法,准确率不高。
The detector will transform rays of different energies to corresponding electrical pulses which are magnified when it is working. The magnifying pulse is sent into pulse height analyzer to be separated and recorded by the record& display circuit. 工作时,探测器将不同能量的射线变成相应幅度的电脉冲,脉冲经过调理和放大后被送至脉冲幅度分析器加以提取,然后记录和显示。
Nowadays, the principles of electrical impedance ( Coulter Principle), light scattering and radio frequency are mainly employed by hematology analyzer ( HA). 目前,血细胞分析仪的工作原理主要为电阻抗法(库尔特原理)、光散射法和射频法。